Images and Echoes
<a href=””><img class=”alignright size-medium wp-image-74″ title=”hobbit-doors” src=”×300.jpg” alt=”” width=”198″ height=”300″ /></a>
<strong>Exploring your life with photography</strong>
A convincing body of evidence has demonstrated the therapeutic value of both photography and journaling. Images and Echoes combines these two proven processes to help reveal new understandings into family, work and life transitions. It is also just plain enjoyable. The pen and the camera are natural partners. Images and Echoes use photography in combination with guided writing exercises. Participants work with their own photographs and are invited but not required to share their explorations. Both group and individual sessions are available. Individual sessions may be eligible for insurance coverage. Learn the skills in Level 1. Focus & deepen your understandings in Level 2. In Level 3 enjoy the experience of preparing a visible statement & exhibit of your personal and/or professional existence.
Level 1: 6 hours
Become familiar with basic phototherapy techniques.
Level 2: 6 hours TBA
Explore adapting phototherapy to a select client population.
Level 3: hours TBA
Make a visual statement of your life’s work.
Level 1: 6 hours
Become familiar with basic photojoumaling techniques.
Level 2: 6 hours TBA
Explore a specific issue in your life with photojournaling.
Level 3: hours TBA
Make a visual statement of who you are as a person.
<strong>Attend if you</strong>
• Are interested in personal growth and/or professional development
• Want to learn specific strategies
• Enjoy taking photos or want to find out if you do
• Are questioning or exploring some aspect of your life or work
• Are looking for creative approaches to your personal/professional development
No photography or joumallng experience needed.